Mining Colonial Museums: Data, Archives, Storerooms. 5.11. 2-4 pm, Museum of Natural History Berlin
This Saturday I participate in the public workshop “Mining the Colonial Museum”, in the minerals collection of the Museum of Natural History in Berlin. The other participants are: Lennon Mhishi, Mareike Vennen, Yann LeGall.
Artists and curators have proposed methods to challenge the silence of museums, through making power visible. For example Fred Wilson in 1992 with “Mining the Museum”. The internal database of the museum has the information from the historic labels, some of them related to German colonialism.
Can we data-mine this museum? What patterns emerge? During the event we will will look together into what are various colonial absences, in the room and the archival data.
More info and how to reserve your free spot:
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Lukas Fuchsgruber (2. November 2022). Mining Colonial Museums: Data, Archives, Storerooms. 5.11. 2-4 pm, Museum of Natural History Berlin. Nullmuseum. Abgerufen am 14. September 2024 von