Workshop: Fermenting/Curating Data (October 8th, Aarhus)
Last Saturday, we held a workshop titled “Curating/Fermenting Data: Data Workflows for Semantic Web Applications”. It was part of the NordiCHI 2022 pre-conference in Aarhus, Denmark and organized by Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver (Aarhus University), Lozana Rossenova (Open Science Lab TIB) and me.
The workshop centered food fermentation and semantic data related to it. It was hands-on: working with ferments and data. Fermenting data entails: How can data be understood as something that is alive, how can data curation workflows be understood as a symbiotic process, and finally, how can we describe something as complex as fermentation in semantic data? For the description of the workshop you can check out our call for participation:
Our full concept is published as Curating/Fermenting Data: data workflows for semantic web applications in the NordiCHI ’22: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference:
First traces of the semantic data we worked with can be found on Wikidata: fermentation (Q41760), fermentation agent (Q114500410), fermentation (Q41760), fermented food (Q6950796)
One of the participants, Daphne Miedema, has published a blogpost on the workshop:
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Lukas Fuchsgruber (13. Oktober 2022). Workshop: Fermenting/Curating Data (October 8th, Aarhus). Nullmuseum. Abgerufen am 14. September 2024 von