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Workshop: Art Doc Archive bei permanently temporary? kulturBdigital-Konferenz 2023

Bei der kulturBdigital Konferenz 2023 gab es einen Workshop zu Art Doc Archive: Webarchivierung in der Praxis Neue Netzwerke für den Erhalt digitaler Kulturgüter? mit Lukas Fuchsgruber & Anna Schäffler, Projekt Art Doc Archive; Almut Pape & Leonie Rodrian, Zentral- und Landesbibliothek ( Im Workshop teilten wir unsere Erfahrung mit...

How-to: Open-source video looping device

The displays in our upcoming exhibition are completely self-prepared by the researchers, with prints from the copy shop, screens from our office, wood panels from the construction shop. We couldn’t have done it without our student assistants designing and preparing the posters and signs. And we had to improvise a...

Publication: The power of collections / Die Macht der Sammlungen

“The power of collections”. A text I wrote with Pegah Byroum-Wand and Malina Lauterbach on an exhibition we are opening with many colleagues at the Berlin Science Week (1- 10 Nov) can be read here on page 15-19: Visit us at Holzmarkt in Berlin 1 – 11 November, also on...

Exhibition 1-10 November at Berlin Science Week

How powerful are collections and archives? The exhibition “Power in/of Collections” delves into this inquiry, involving scholars from the Technical University, Humboldt University, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford. The exhibition is part of the Forum of Berlin Science Week at...

Panel on museum critique and marxist art history (11 November, Berlin)

At the conference “(De)Politicising Art History. Marxist Traditions Since 1968” (organized by the working group ‘ende der kunstgeschichte’ of the Ulmer Verein, 10-11 November at TU Berlin), I will host a panel on day 2 with Kerstin Stakemeier and Nizan Shaked on the connections between Museum Critique and Marxist Art History. Details...

Texte zu Museen und der Ökonomie digitaler Plattformen

Von den aktuellen Debatten um digitale Plattformen, wer sie gestaltet, und wer mit ihnen Geld macht (die Social Media Debatte, aber auch Debatten um Open Source und Open Data in öffentlichen Institutionen) sind Museen zweifach betroffen: Wer besitzt die digitalisierten Sammlungen, wer macht mit ihnen Geld, in welchen Kontexten sind...

Fermenting Data in Berlin 2023

After our workshop at NordiCHI in Aarhus in 2022, two events of the Fermenting Data collaboration with Magdalena Tyżlik-Carver and Lozana Rossenova took place at TU Berlin in 2023: First a Fermenting Data Canteen in February at the Hybrid Lab, where taste wheels were used to work on data models...